About me (and you)

NewFounderCoach is the publication and newsletter for first-time tech-savvy founders

NewFounderCoach is the publication & newsletter I launched in August 2023. If you subscribe today, you'll get access to the website as well as email newsletters about new content that's available daily. Subscription is FREE for now.

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By signing up, you'll get access to the full archive of everything that's been published before and everything that's still to come; including free templates, quizzes and tips&tricks. Your very own private library with content relevant for first-time founders and aspiring founders.

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Who am I and what do I do?

With over two decades in the business, I have worn hats from tech consultant, strategy director, and product owner to founder and CEO. After 12 startups of my own across 6 countries, I now coach founders on how to turn startup dreams into thriving businesses fast.

First-time tech-savvy founders often grapple with a sea of business information. They're passionate but paralyzed, yearning to launch but unsure how. I simplify the early stages of business, helping you hone in on actionable steps.

Do you have an inner entrepreneur aching to escape your day job prison? I've helped dozens like you make that jailbreak.

My expertise spans idea validation, MVP building, customer acquisition, positioning, fundraising, and the mindset work it takes to succeed.

Whether you need help clarifying your idea, building your prototype, finding product-market fit, or overcoming inner blocks, I’ve been there. Let me shortcut your path.

Depending on where your mind is on your business founder journey, you should do one of the following:

  1. If you're not sure what business you want to start and you're not ready to do it now -> look around, read some, feel free to use idea generation and evaluation templates and see if you can nail down your favorite industry and ideas to work with next...start here
  2. If you have an idea but are not sure where to start and how to transform it into a profitable business -> then consider joining one of my New Founder Catalyst cohort-based courses. That's where I help founders take action and go from an idea to a business in eight weeks! Spots are limited!
  3. If you already started working on an idea but don't make as much progress as you'd like or you feel that cohort-based action is not for you, let’s connect to create your custom action plan. The first call is on me.