Bring Your Web3 B2B Ideas Forward

if you do understand the difference between crypto, blockchain and Web3, and you believe the technology has potential, you should celebrate!

Bring Your Web3 B2B Ideas Forward
Decentralised Networks might well be the future!

This is a bit surprising, but I'm meeting technical professionals with ideas on how could blockchain or say Web3 technologies be useful in their current industries and corporations. What they often say is, that their boss or colleagues don't believe in crypto and blockchain. They feel they would get ridiculed for their innovative ideas.

I'd start by saying - DON'T BE AFRAID!

Who if not you? Just notice how many vague terms I used in one sentence - is blockchain the same thing as Web3? Is crypto the same thing as blockchain? Is crypto and Web3 the same thing? And is it really Web3 or web3? And isn't Web3 just NFTs? And just last week, I read that all my NFTs are finally worthless!

I mean, look at the chaos. What a mess! And there's an even bigger mess sitting in most peoples' heads. It is a direct result of news headlines focusing mainly on DeFi scams like - Terra collapse or FTX robbery instead of showcasing relevant and beneficial use cases for businesses and individuals.

We need more blockchain-savvy folks

So, if you do understand the difference between the terms I used, and you understand the technology and its potential, you should celebrate! 🎉

Blockchain is a relatively new technology. Think of it like the internet in the 1980s. It attracts a lot of attention and activity from very different types of individuals - smart ones, innovative ones, scammy ones, and creepy ones as well. But that's not the technology. That's how people use it. And I'm sure you're the smart one!

Blockchain technology itself is solid for a number of global use-cases, and I strongly believe it is here to stay. The idea of public blockchains, 24/7 availability, shared cost-base, zero trust options, and its ability to give a true digital asset “ownership” to everyone, including the ability of instant transfer, is simple magic for many use-cases.

So, there's the last thing I would say to those with blockchain-based ideas -> bring your ideas forward!

Talk about them, discuss them, and be ridiculed. That's not a problem. You can go and build that idea outside of your current company (and you should!). But by bringing ideas into the open - not only will your ideas get better, but you will naturally attract people who will help you to make them happen!

Like Tatum guys; they were not understood when they first presented their ideas, not to mention that their blockchain-based ideas evolved a lot as they started talking about them with others. And look at them now - so far thriving dev-focused business!

Don't wait! Start taking action!

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