New Founders Catalyst Course

Unlock Your Founder Potential and dive into your business idea with others during 'The New Founder Catalyst' this October!

Unlock Your Founder Potential and dive into 'The New Founder Catalyst' this October!

So, you're a techie? Got those burning startup ideas, but just...a tad lost on the execution part? Worry not! During eight weeks starting in October, I will lay down all the tools, frameworks, and ultimate strategies you will ever need to start and grow your new business.

You will not just learn, you will do the work and together we will build your new founder journey, step-by-step from an idea to your first customer. We're talking about THE catalyst playbook designed for tech-savvy peeps like you, to transition smoothly from coding to leading!

When you join the Catalyst Course you'll join the cool "business owners" club where you'll meet aspiring entrepreneurs like yourself, product whizzes, and startup mavericks.

I have been working with technical founders for over a decade helping them find their perfect bulls-eye. Yeah, that black dot sitting in the center of your knowledge, motivation, passion and skills.
But that's not what goes into your entrepreneurial bulls-eye. It also includes parts where you solve real problems for people; at least for those you can find and identify and who also see value in your solution. And not only that - they see the value and are willing to pay $$.  

If you have that bulls-eye then the only thing missing is to sell. Yes, sales is part of life and part of your skillset too. Not that snake oil sleazy  sales type, but mission driven sales where you know that your solution to the problem is so good that people are literally missing out by not using it. You transform their problem into a solution and make their lives easier, happier, less stressful, more fulfilled.

How does that sound for a plan? Join me and other ambitious to-be founders at Catalyst Course in October and find your bulls-eye, launch your business and make someone's life better because of it. I will be there to help you every step along the way.

Take Advantage Of Pre-Launch Sign-Up HERE

I've been building companies and doing business since it was legally allowed. I started 10+ of them and successfully exited four. Different industries, different countries, different experiences, and challenges in each one of them.

I was also on the verge of bankruptcy multiple times, and I had to close down companies. Some due to lack of capital, some due to lack of focus, some due to lack of sales, some because I got bored.

You see, it may sound harsh but I am here to tell you it's all ok. It was stressful at times and it was exhilarating at other periods but the good thing is that I've been there, tried that and I've seen what's working and what's not working.

Now, what works is not the same for everyone and every industry. But when you go from Fortune 500 consulting to a restaurant, music club, publishing house, mobile payments, or satellite propulsion, you learn a thing or two.

I've learned over the years that what matters the most early on is focus and de-risking preparation before you start. What I am saying is - you should absolutely start your own business! You deserve it, and we deserve more solutions to life's problems. But start smart, and don't start alone.

Starting any new business is stressful, and it's hard to get the support you need to be focused on the right things and to be in the right mental space when working on your business. Cohort courses can help you with that, sometimes even better than 1:1 coaching.

Why do cohort courses work so well? Well, because for a period of time, you're focused on "doing things" in tempo while being surrounded by others focused on the same thing. This joint focus produces an atmosphere of learning and sharing which is hard to create and find otherwise. Many times you also find new friends or your first customers among your cohort classmates.  

Don't miss this pre-launch signup opportunity. It will come with a juicy discount, a special free gift, and more time to prepare for your new business journey!

Join now! Invite friends! And give us a shoutout on Twitter (X) or LinkedIn to attract more like-minded and driven future fellows.

Coaching client testimonial - raving about Petr helping them identify bottlenecks and think differently about sales and expansion of the business

Still here? That means you are ready to transform Your tech skills into a thriving business!

👇 Let's go through some frequent thoughts and questions together 👇

You make a killing, but You feel like something is missing?

You're technically skilled, a master in your domain. But every morning, you wake up feeling like there’s something more. That 9-to-5 job? It's stable but far from fulfilling.

You sense a dormant entrepreneurial spirit within you, desperate for an avenue to shine. Your heart yearns for impact, meaning, and the thrill of something new.

Call to Action: Don't let another day go by feeling stuck. Grab your seat now!

Fear of the Unknown Is Holding You Back?

I get it. Diving into the world of startups can be daunting. Uncertainties abound. How do I start? What if I fail? What about the risks? And these questions paralyze you. They halt you from tapping into the vast potential you undoubtedly possess!

Call to Action: Break free from the chains of doubt. Secure your place in the transformative 8-week journey starting in October.

This is the Path to Unbridled Passion and Purpose

Imagine waking up, not to the monotonous beep of an alarm, but to burning passion and a sense of purpose. Dreams of building something of your own, serving delighted clients, and making a mark in the world, are all within your grasp.

This is not just about money; it's about fulfillment, joy, and breaking the mold.

Call to Action: Turn your dreams into reality. Limited seats!

No More Guesswork: Your Blueprint Awaits

Launching a startup or business can be overwhelming. But what if you had a step-by-step guide? What if an experienced coach, who's been in your shoes, was there to guide you, 1:1, throughout the process? From defining your product to acquiring your first paying client - I've got you covered.

Call to Action: Ditch the overwhelm. Join the elite 30 now!

This is the Ultimate Accelerator for Technical Founders

It's 8-week action-packed cohort course. From tech expert to successful founder. Tailored exclusively for you, the technical founder. You must be ready to dip your toes in entrepreneurial waters. Join now and benefit from

  • intensive cohort sessions,
  • daily 1:1 coaching checkins,
  • action-focused frameworks, strategies, and insights,
  • buddy founders community support.

Get the confidence to build your business. Go from uncertainty to clarity, from ideas to action. Only 30 seats. Because I believe in quality over quantity. Because you deserve focused attention.

Call to Action: This is your moment. Enroll now and embark on a game-changing adventure.

Invest in Yourself, Invest in Your Dreams

$1200 might seem like a considerable sum. But can you truly put a price on unlocking your entrepreneurial potential? On the unending support, mentorship, and actionable strategies you’ll receive?

Consider this an investment. In yourself. In your dreams. In the legacy you wish to build. In de-risking the early stage operations.

Call to Action: The best time to start was yesterday. The next best time? Now. Secure your future today and lock in the Early-Bird -40% discount (goes away in a week!).

Tired of Being Just Another Cog in the Machine?

It's a familiar feeling for many – being part of a massive system where you're just another replaceable part.

You have unique ideas, and innovative solutions, but they're often drowned in bureaucracy or disregarded by higher-ups who don't truly understand tech the way you do.

Call to Action: Step out from the shadows. Be the leader of your own journey.

Afraid of Becoming Just Another Startup Statistic?

The startup world is riddled with stories of businesses that started with a bang and fizzled out too soon. The fear of becoming just another failed experiment, another statistic, is real and palpable.

Call to Action: Arm yourself with the knowledge and mentorship to beat the odds. Join us today.

Feeling the Weight of Lone Decision Making?

Decision paralysis is real. Every choice feels monumental when you're at the helm, and the fear of making a wrong move can be paralyzing. What if you had a coach guiding your steps, ensuring that each decision moves you closer to your vision?

Call to Action: Trade indecision for clarity and confidence. Enlist now.

Worried About Wasting Time on Non-Essentials?

In the vast sea of startup advice, it's easy to drown in non-essentials. What tools to use? Which marketing strategy to employ?

The endless list of tasks can divert your focus from what truly matters - building a product, creating value and making an impact in the lives of your customers.

Call to Action: Stay laser-focused on what truly matters. Join me and streamline your journey.

Still here?

Great! It means you want to conquer your entrepreneurial fears and take control of your life.
  • No More Being a Mere Spectator - Don't just watch others succeed from the sidelines. Take charge and shape the future of your dreams.
  • No More Getting Lost in the FUD: Get elevated beyond generic advice and dive deep into your ideas and their business potential with mentorship and community that truly understands your tech background.
  • No More Decision Paralysis: I'll make sure that every crossroad has a guiding light. Trust in tailored mentorship to illuminate your path.
  • No More Wasting Time on Non-Essentials: Stop drowning in the vast sea of tasks, strategies, and advice. Keep your eyes on the prize. Learn to stay aligned with what truly pushes your venture forward and ignore or minimize the rest.
  • No More Fizzling Out: They say, it's not about how you start, but how you persist and finish. Rise above the stats and become a beacon for other aspiring founders and your community at large.

Enough of letting fears dictate your journey. It's time to pivot from what holds you back, to what propels you forward.

Get ready to dive deep into eight transformative weeks that promise more than just knowledge — they promise to show you victory by action! Find the courage to turn your idea and passion into your destiny.

Claim your seat in this exclusive cohort learning experience led by one of the best new founders coaches in Europe. Act now and lock in Early Bird discount!

Let's redefine success together!

You may feel like you don't have the right idea just now - I get it - I've been there.

Then give try to my New Idea Evaluation Matrix - it's a FREE Template download and it may help you find that one (or a few) idea you want to work on with me during Catalyst course in October!

Template with some sample data

Here is the link to your FREE Template Download and to other options that might be interesting for you