Starting a business is a path to future security

Become a resourceful, value-creation prioritising, and action-taking machine!

Starting a business is a path to future security

I know this sounds contradictory to what common online wisdom and most people say, but it's true! It's the truth hidden in plain sight.

Starting a business is a path to becoming future-proof and job-proof forever!

Entrepreneurship creates resilience; it naturally teaches you resourcefulness, gently pushes you towards prioritising value creation, and rewards you for taking action over everything else, including internal politics and fake work.

Those things alone make you bulletproof for the future. And, of course, there's more...

It's safe to say that once you toughen up in the business arena; meaning once you experience the feeling of being solely responsible for your results and for other people's livelihoods, once you face high-stakes decisions without any boss who needs to approve - then you become better in delivering value, finding solutions under constraints and evaluating choices and their impact.

If you have no other skills, these will allow you to join any organisation and thrive.

You'll be a better and more in-demand employee, better 2nd time founder, better co-founder, and better manager or leader.

So, if you want one takeaway from today's essay, then - if you have ideas and desire to bring something new to the market, don't focus on finding a better job; focus on finding a way to create more value with your ideas and your work.

That search will almost inevitably lead you to - becoming a founder!

And if you feel you might benefit from some guidance, I'm here - feel free to reach out!

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